Monday, November 17, 2008

1st Service Beats All Expectations

November 2nd marked LakePointe's 1st service in its new building. It was awesome. Over 500 people came out and joined in worship. It was a day of celebration and honoring God because of his amazing work. There are several highlights from the service. We were joined by our African American partner church. They closed down the service with great music and prayer. All the people who helped complete the building project were honored. From Laborers for Christ to the carpet layers, electricians, plumbers, HVAC, and LakePointe's own were recognized as being part of something much larger than ourselves. All their efforts have an impact of furthering the Gospel and reaching those in Hot Springs and our surrounding communities with the Love of Jesus Christ. The pinnacle of the service was the arrival and set up of LakePointe's new Cross. As with all of our work, we start and finish centered on the Cross. Like the Apostle Paul says, we preach Christ and Him crucified! It was awesome.

Stay tuned, watch out and come by to check out the Spirit at Work. We meet and worship at 1343 Albert Pike Road. Hot Springs, AR 71913. Our new number is 501-623-4237. Praise God & REJOICE!