Tuesday, December 11, 2007

LakePointe Finds A New Home!

It's time! For months we have been talking and praying for a new facility. Well, it's here! On Sunday December 9, 2007, Pastor Greg made it official by announcing to everyone at Sunday's experience, "we have a transitional facility." The announcement was met with applause and excitement. The new building is located at the corner of Airport Road & Albert Pike and is the site of the old Harvest Foods aka Sav-U-Mor and next to Accent.

One of the reasons for LakePointe's new Blog site is to keep this excitement going and to give everyone a heads up on what's happeing around LakePointe. Our new blog will focus a lot on the new building, but it's also a place to discuss just about anything. I may bring up things from Sunday's message, from our daily journaling, or whatever we're feeling in the moment. My hope is that you enjoy the blog and find this a great source for seeing what God is doing at LakePointe as we take Jesus out to the Hot Springs community!

Stay tuned for pics and more....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...