Wednesday, June 25, 2008

We got a start

Thanks to the people who came out Saturday and got us started. We began working on the concrete floors and cleaning off the ceiling. This week I'm going to invite everyone who signed up with Mad Skillz construction and make a few calls too. Hopefully we'll get a few more people and make a big impact this Saturday.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Big turn out Saturday??

We're hoping for a big turnout Saturday. We have an opportunity to show up and keep the project on schedule. What is the schedule? You'll have to wait until later this week to find out. I have seen it, its aggressive but it's do-able. Do-able if we get behind it and keep it moving. That's why Saturday is important. Beginning each week I'm going to email and tell everyone what has to happen for us to meet our opening date.

This Saturday we have to:

- Brush the ceiling clean in the worship space. Wear dirty clothes and masks. This is one of those Mike Rowe dirty jobs for sure. The ceiling has gotta be clean so the paint will stick.

- Patch concrete. It's time to fill in holes and cracks so the floor will be level.

- Put in blocking. This is putting wood boards between the studs so that grab bars, mirrors, and stuff on the restroom walls will stay put and not get pulled out.

- Pick up trash. There are trash items laying around and trash that can be taken out throughout the building.

- Buff the floors. Hang on. We are going to have 2 floor buffers going to clean up the concrete.

- Lend an extra hand. There are also places where you can lend a hand with the other laborers.

Show up and ask for Bob. Bob knows what has to be done and he will make sure that everyone who comes gets plugged in!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

What's it like working with Laborers for Chirst?

If you have been out to the building and helped out you know what it's like working alongside the laborers. For me it's like working alongside your best friends. I'm getting ready to go on a camping trip in July with two of my best friends. Whenever we get together, no matter how long we have been apart, we begin clicking, laughing like we have never been apart. Have you ever experienced that?

Paul, a writer in the New Testament says that , "as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another." When we are in the building we might look different or act different but we are one in Christ. There is something about being one in Christ. As soon as the laborers arrived they felt like they have been with us forever. It feels like being around your best friends. One of the LakePointe guys who have been coming out to the building noticed it right away. At men’s fight club he said, "You know, working with those guys I immediately felt a unity like I do with you here. It's the first time I've experienced that." That's cool! We are one in Christ and that's how it should be when we are around other Christ followers.

That's a little of what it's like working with Laborers for Christ. Come out and experience it for yourself! This week we will put up more metal studs, sweep, put in blocks for support in the walls. There's something for everyone.

Monday, June 9, 2008

We have walls

This was a huge week at the building. 3/4 ths of KidsPointe is walled and more is happening this week. Thanks to the Tabone and Byers family who came out in full force to help clean up, move things and see a few walls go up. Thanks also to Camille who brought out ice and snack food. We all really appreciated it!

This week we are finishing KidsPointe and moving onto the offices. Come out and join us. A couple of our laborers are leaving us. Jim and Carol Bouein left Sunday. They were sloted for a job in California and got called up. Jim and Carol came in at the beginning and helped lay the important foundation (like chalking lines and helping with demo) that's got us to where we're at today. There wasn't a job Jim wouln't do. They hope to stop in when the project is complete. We'll miss you both!

That reminds me. I need to get a picture of all the laborers and get them on the blog so you can put a face on who's helping us get this new hub for ministry built. That's it for now....

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Walls Tuesday - Wednesday Night Live at 6pm!

Yes!! All the remining concrete will be poured Monday. The space will be all cleaned and ready for Tuesday. We are moving from the demo phase and into the construction phase of the project! Metal studs arrive Monday and our first wall will go up Tuesday.

Come out Wednesday night at 6:00pm for Wednesday night live. We are meeting at the new building for an ice cream social. We will have a devotion, the Lord's Supper and celebrate not only the the ground breaking of the new facility but also the hard work that everyone has put into the building. Bring the whole family out - Hope to see ya there.