Monday, June 9, 2008

We have walls

This was a huge week at the building. 3/4 ths of KidsPointe is walled and more is happening this week. Thanks to the Tabone and Byers family who came out in full force to help clean up, move things and see a few walls go up. Thanks also to Camille who brought out ice and snack food. We all really appreciated it!

This week we are finishing KidsPointe and moving onto the offices. Come out and join us. A couple of our laborers are leaving us. Jim and Carol Bouein left Sunday. They were sloted for a job in California and got called up. Jim and Carol came in at the beginning and helped lay the important foundation (like chalking lines and helping with demo) that's got us to where we're at today. There wasn't a job Jim wouln't do. They hope to stop in when the project is complete. We'll miss you both!

That reminds me. I need to get a picture of all the laborers and get them on the blog so you can put a face on who's helping us get this new hub for ministry built. That's it for now....

1 comment:

Greg Bearss said...

rock'n weekend, lots done, more to do!